so much yogurt on the hands!
brusha brusha
oh what a beauty am I!
look what I can do!
airplane (otherwise known as hairpin)!
chasing pigeons, Chicago, late August
with Grandma Tena in Chicago, late August
what more can be said?
Aunt Debbie and Ayla, Vala's farm
with Bubu Nini, cousins Becca and Lev
with cousin Michael at Vala's farm
Lev, Becca and Ayla, Yom Kippur
Lev, Becca and Ayla, Yom Kippur
with cousin Becca at the zoo
at the Omaha petting zoo, late September
with Larry and cousin lev in Omaha
Apple picking with Larry, September
See mommy! I can do it!
The bumblebee with her friend Alec
halloween party at Meetinghouse Daycare